May 24, 2008

It is you, Hillary, not what you said - YOU are the offense!

Enough Hillary, enough!

We've heard your lame-ass excuses as you claimed that you meant no offense for race baiting in South Carolina, ethnic/religious baiting by not standing by Obama during the Jeremiah Wright/Muslim smears, and your recent "hard-working white people" slurs against all working people, and Obama - and now you give the impression that your reason for staying in a campaign you lost months ago is that you are waiting for an assassination in June!

Hillary, your insincere, bullshit apology doesn't cut it - remember when you said the same thing to TIME back in March?

Sad, pathetic, mentally ill, delusional, despicable, or unabashed evil - short of some unimaginable act of contrition, Hillary, the above adjectives are apt descriptions of your shoddy political legacy.

Get the hell out of this race!


Note to the DNC - you should be ashamed for not stripping Hillary of her right to run as a Democratic candidate for the presidency.

Note to the American People - PLEASE watch the following video commentary by America's voice of conscience, Keith Olbermann,as he denounces Hillary and her reprehensible assassination comments -

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