February 21, 2008

The Difference Between Night and Day

Senator Obama cuts right to the heart of this campaign
as he addressed a crowd of 17,000 in Dallas, Texas yesterday -

"Today, Sen. Clinton told us there is a choice in this race, and I couldn't agree with her more," Obama said. "But contrary to what she was saying, it's not a choice between speeches and solutions. It's a choice between the politics of divisions and distractions that did not work in South Carolina, that did not work in Wisconsin and that will not work in Texas or a new politics of common sense, of common purpose, shared sacrifices, shared prosperity.

"It's a choice," he continued, "between having a debate between John McCain about who has the most experience in Washington or having a debate about who's going to change Washington. It's about going into the general election campaign with Republicans and independents united against us or going in with a campaign that has already united all Americans around an agenda for change."

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