March 21, 2008

Lifelong Republican Pennsylvania Mayor Changes Parties to Vote Obama

Camp Hill mayor switches parties to vote for Obama
by ELLEN LYON, Of The Patriot-News | Thursday March 20, 2008, 6:03 PM

Camp Hill Mayor Lou Thieblemont switched his lifelong Republican registration this week so he can vote for Democratic Sen. Barack Obama in Pennsylvania's April 22 primary.

"I'm sick and tired of the politics of fear in this country. He's the only one who doesn't do that," Thieblemont said of Obama. "He's the only candidate who's said he'd talk to our enemies and try to get some common ground."

A retired airline pilot, Thieblemont, 62, said he doesn't believe the Bush administration's claims that the United States is safer now. "We're all alone in the world. We have basically lost all our friends in the world with comments like 'bring it on.'"

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