February 29, 2008

Pay attention folks: Like McCain, Hillary talks of more war, not less -

February 29, 2008, 8:50 pm from The Caucus The New York Times Politics Blog

Clinton Talks About Stepping Up Effort in Afghanistan

WACO, Tex. — Here’s something that got lost today in all the coverage of Senator Hillary Clinton’s rally here, where she further questioned Senator Barack Obama's readiness to serve as commander in chief: She also suggested she wanted to step up action in Afghanistan.

She did not specify military action, but that was the strong implication.

Her audience of about 1,200 people had applauded her every time she took a swipe at Mr. Obama. But they seemed decidedly cool toward the idea of deeper involvement in Afghanistan. When she mentioned it, the applause meter dropped.

“I will also be a commander in chief who refocuses on winning the war in Afghanistan,” she said. “I will do everything in my power to reverse our declining position in Afghanistan,” she said, vowing to make it clear to allies in NATO “that this is their war too.”

In one, (interview) with WTVG, the ABC affiliate in Toledo, she reaffirmed the task in Afghanistan: “When you hire a president you are really hiring someone for that job and in this case it is someone who manages two wars, a war to end in Iraq and a war to win in Afghanistan.”

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