June 4, 2008

Even Bush Has a Better Grasp of Reality and Civility than the Queen of Narcissism, Hillary Rodham Clinton

This morning, President Bush, appropriately, congratulated Obama through his White House spokeswoman Dana Perino:

"President Bush congratulates Sen. Obama for clinching the Democratic party's 2008 nomination for president," Perino told reporters. "He knows from personal experience that the presidential nominating process is a grueling one and Sen. Obama came a long way in becoming his party's nominee."

Even Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice got in on the act, stating that Obama's nomination is an 'extraordinary' development for the United States.

Hillary's refusal to acknowledge Barack Obama' s historic victory in the race for the Democratic Nomination is boorish at best; her refusal to congratulate him, and deal with reality, the latest evidence of her pathological narcissism (after all, it did keep her on the front pages today) and her ultimate disregard for the Democratic Party and the people of the United States.

Hil' is nothing short of a very bad joke that refuses to go away.

Worse yet, the leadership of the Democratic Party continues to salute her!


Please visit Obama's website and send a note of encouragement to resist the growing suicidal pressure to put HRC on the ticket.

Time to move on; time for change that does not include any of the Clintons.


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