October 26, 2008

More than 35 newspapers endorse Obama today!

Editor&Publisher described this morning's newspaper endorsements as "a landslide for Obama." Some of the highlights include:

Iowa - Des Moines Register:

An Obama presidency presents the best hope for a unified America that aspires to greatness again.

iowa - Quad City Times:

Already, Obama is demonstrating presidential leadership and demeanor, displaying steely calm against an avalanche of unfair attacks, distortions and distractions.

Florida - Gainesville Sun:

Obama has, through the power of his rhetoric and reason, captured the imagination of millions of Americans who have little interest in politics-as-usual.

Louisiana - Times-Picayune:

We believe that Barack Obama could help restore our reputation as a land of opportunity. But that benefit is dwarfed by a larger potential that we think an Obama presidency could achieve: Seizing the chance for America to lead and, at a time of crisis and transformation, be a global pioneer.

Pennsylvania - Wilkes-Barre Times Leader:

But Obama’s composure – combined with his intelligence, ideas, communication skills and capacity to rally people to a cause – gave our endorsement board the evidence it needed to reach a decision: Democrat Barack Obama is the man for the job.

Pennsylvania - Pocono Record:

Obama's early opposition to the war attracted his initial supporters. Since then his steady, measured, intelligent approach to a wide range of issues has drawn millions more, including many well-known Republicans, to his campaign.

Virginia - Staunton News Leader:

Obama brings a freshness, good ideas and, above all, the confidence that we will be led by an administration that will restore a better life for Americans, trust among the nations of the world and decisions made with all of us in mind, not just the upper class.

Other newspapers endorsing Barack today included the Coloradoan, the Vail Daily, the Pensacola News Journal, the Bloomington Pantagraph, the Decatur Herald & Review, the Southtown Star, the Billings Gazette, the Keene Sentinel, the Valley News, the Cherry Hill Courier Post, the Pottstown Mercury, the Patriot News, the Beaver County Times, the Delware County Times, the Times West Virginian and more.

In all, over 35 newspapers endorsed Barack Obama today, bringing the current total number of endorsements to over 173.

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