March 10, 2013

Is God?

Alessandro Di Meo / EPA file

Lighting strikes the basilica of St.Peter's dome in Vatican City 
during a storm on Feb.11, 2013, the same day 
Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation

So, if, as conservative catholics believe, God actually chooses the popes in a mysterious divine manner, what are we to say about God, given His last two choices for Pope?
Back to back pedophile protectors? Really? This is God's will? 

How about the long lineage of corrupt pontiffs chosen through human history?

Perhaps God's plan is a mystery? 
Perhaps God is incompetent? 
Perhaps God is just a screw up? 
Perhaps God's lightning bolt above St. Peter's is just a quiet "Fuck off!" 
Perhaps he just missed Benedict? 
The Cardinals?
The Curia?

And lest one think I am singling out catholics, I'm not. 
The same idiocy applies to blind authority allegiances in all religion
...and they are a plenty.

Time to duck...


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