February 14, 2008

Texas House Democratic Leader, Jim Dunnam, Endorses Obama

By Ken Sury | Thursday, February 14, 2008, 11:47 AM

Trib political reporter David Doerr has received an e-mail that Texas House Democratic Leader Jim Dunnam today announced his strong endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama’s candidacy for presiden.

Dunnam released the following statement:

“It gives me great pride to endorse Barack Obama for President. The constituents I serve, and all the people of Texas, are tired of politics as usual. In Texas — and across the rest of the country — we want a president who will finally put doing what is right above corporate special interests and radical partisan agendas. We want change we can believe in, not the same old Washington-style promises made and promises broken.

“Texas House Democrats are fighting hard to improve our public schools and bring health coverage to the uninsured. With Barack Obama as president, we will have a remarkable ally in achieving those vital goals and many more.”

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