February 14, 2008

Zogby Poll: Obama Cruises, Clinton Lags, in Election Match-Ups against McCain, Huckabee

Released: February 13, 2008

Barack Obama has gained strength in prospective general election match-ups against Republicans John McCain and Mike Huckabee, while Hillary Clinton does not fare as well, a new nationwide Zogby Interactive poll shows.

The online survey shows that Obama would defeat both McCain and Huckabee, while Clinton would lose to McCain and only defeat Huckabee by a small margin.

Clinton struggles among political independents, trailing McCain by a wide margin and Huckabee by a slim margin in that demographic, the survey shows. Against both men, she wins less than 80% of her own party. However, she does better among Democrats than either McCain or Huckabee does among Republicans. Huckabee wins just 70% support in a match-up against Clinton, while McCain wins 72% of the GOP support against her.

Obama has much stronger Democratic Party support, winning 87% backing of the Democrats when pitted against Huckabee, and 84% of the Democratic support against McCain. Among independents, Obama leads McCain by a 46% to 33% edge and Huckabee by a 48% to 31% advantage.

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