March 26, 2008

Obama's Real Enemy: The Leadership of the Democratic Party

The real enemies of Barack Obama are the members of the democratic party who know better. They are the ones who talk the game of values and conscience. They are the quickest to condemn the right wing in this country. They are the ones who view themselves as special, educated, and enlightened in a way the wayward masses are not.

They are also the moral cowards who stand on the sidelines and say little or nothing - those who refuse to condemn the slime infested clinton campaign of lies, distortions, and racism. Far more people who hold opposing political views from those of Barack Obama have spoken out with moral outrage.

But not the majority of the democratic party leadership. They delight in their personal comfort of silence - hiding behind the veil of strategy. Where is Howard Dean? Where is John Edwards? Where is Al Gore? Where is Nancy Pelosi? Where is Harry Reid?

Barack Obama would be elected President of the United States by the majority of good and decent American people. It is the democratic party that stands in his way.

This is cause for true shame, and outrage.


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