April 28, 2008

Message to the Unethical and/or Spineless Howard Dean: Obama Won Months Ago!

AP | 4/28/08:

"Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean said Monday that either Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Obama must drop out of the Democratic presidential race after the June primaries in order to unify the party by the convention and win the election in November.

But Dean didn't say which candidate should drop out, only that it should happen after primary voters have been to the polls."

This statement by Howard Dean is unconscionable at worst, and cowardly at best. For Howard to suggest that it is close, or that Obama should consider leaving the race in June, is absurd and insulting.

The Democratic Party nominates its candidate with pledged delegates, and for some months now it has been considered by most everyone outside the delusional and unscrupulous Clinton campaign, mathematically impossible for Hillary to catch Obama.

There is only one conclusion: Obama won, Hillary lost.

But the mass-media continues to talk about the "close race," and Howard Dean, leader of the DNC continued this weekend to refer to the race as a near tie.


Let's face it folks ... it's becoming clearer by the moment that the white power structure within the democratic party is, for a myriad of reasons from one kind of racism to another kind of racism, is closing ranks to ensure that a black man will not become the next president of the United States.

Screw Obama out of the nomination he has already won and begin counting the voters that will stay home, or vote for John McCain.


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