May 6, 2008

Why haven’t superdelegates deserted Obama?

So asks Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution...

"Between “Bittergate” and the revenge of Rev. Wright, Barack Obama has just had the worst four-week stretch of his campaign.

This is just what Hillary Clinton has been waiting for — an unexpected controversy that taints Obama, underscoring her argument to the superdelegates that she is more electable.

Oddly, however, it isn’t working. Despite Wright’s unfortunate reappearance, superdelegates are still drifting toward Obama. In fact, he’s nearly even with Clinton among those who have committed.

What gives? Why haven’t superdelegates deserted Obama? Do they have Clinton fatigue?"

A reader responds:

"Cynthia, this will be hard for you but if you can focus, I believe I can logically take you through this. 1. The very existence of superdelegates is a political charade. 2. The only way Hillary can win is for many superdelegates to vote contrary to their states popular elections. 3. If Hillary wins in this style, the black community will simply boycott the general election. 4. Hillary doesn’t stand a snowflake’s chance in the general election without overwhelming black support. 5. If the superdelegates caused 3 and 4 above, they risk being subjected to an overhaul by the DNC. 6. Therefore they are just voting for self preservation.

That wasn’t that hard, was it?"

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