May 8, 2008

One Would Think That 'Math' Equals 'Sanity'

Perhaps the only thing Hillary and I have in common is that we both worked for the McGovern presidential campaign in 1972.

Yesterday, George McGovern gave his sage advice to Hillary - saying in essence, that Obama has won, it is time to bow out, unify the party, and get on with supporting Obama in the national election campaign against John McCain. It cost McGovern something make this call, as he had endorsed Hillary, and has been a close friend of both Bill and Hillary for decades.

After the devastation of Katrina the entire world was aghast at the inept and impotent response of the American Government to the tragedy.

One only needs to look at the superdelegates of the Democratic party - those who remain undeclared, and those who are still committed to Hillary - to solve this simple conundrum.

As Dr. McCoy said in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home -

"The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe."


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