February 24, 2013

The Expanding Vatican Sex Follies

Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images, file
Cardinal Keith O'Brien, 74, leader of the Scottish Catholic Church
The top Roman Catholic Cardinal of the UK is the latest. At least this time we have the accusations of an adult priest coming on to other adult priests, not children. The alleged offended priests have requested that the Vatican disallow the accused Cardinal from voting for the new Pope, the one to replace Benedict, whose papacy is defined by the ever unfolding sex scandal, and his efforts to hide the offending priests, and sweep it all under the rug.

I have been involved in ongoing conversation with others about the Catholic sex scandal, and the appropriate ways to address and redress its pernicious effects. One person remarked to me the other day: "I take no joy in this, and how it affects all the good people in the church." I have thought a good deal about this comment in recent days, and I realize I differ with this sentiment. 

I take THE GREATEST JOY in the ongoing revelation of this sex scandal, in the naming of pedophile priests who belong in prison, along with the Pope, and hierarchy, for protecting these sick fucks. I extol the lawsuits by victims, as they try and bleed some of the stored billions to help other victims. It is a joyful cause for celebration when the assholes who abuse power in the name of God are brought down. 

If we, collectively, as a world community, do not celebrate this, we trivialize the horror experienced by countless victims throughout the world.

Happy Sunday. 

By the way ... Pope 'Pedophile Protector' Benedict said 'thanks and goodbye' to a throng of 100,000 of the adoring in Rome today...


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