April 16, 2008

25 Of 35 South Dakota Democratic State Legislators Endorse Obama

SIOUX FALLS, SD – Today, twenty-five of the thirty-five South Dakota Democratic State Legislators endorsed Barack Obama, citing him as the only candidate who can unite Americans for change that matters in the lives of working families in South Dakota.

South Dakota Senate Democratic Leader Scott Heidepriem said, "Senator Obama inspires all Americans, regardless of party, race or economic circumstance. He is the best chance we have had in years to lift the spirit and lead the way."

South Dakota House Democratic Leader Dale Hargens said, "Senator Obama has given us a reason to believe that we can change the way things are done in Washington. He will be able to bring an end to the bitter divisions in our nation's capital that hinder good decision making and prevent implementation of sound solutions."

Senator Obama said, “I’m proud to receive the backing of these legislators today. We are working hard to strengthen our growing grassroots movement for change in South Dakota before the primary on June 3, and we’re grateful that these leaders will help build our support throughout the state.”

Obama has the support of Former Majority Leader Tom Daschle, and has been endorsed by Senator Tim Johnson and Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin. Last week, six Tribal Leaders from South Dakota endorsed Barack Obama.

Below is the list of South Dakota State Legislators Endorsing Barack Obama today:

Senator Julie Bartling
Senator Gary Hanson
Senator Scott Heidepriem
Senator Alan Hoerth
Senator Jim Hundstad
Senator Sandy Jerstad
Senator Tom Katus
Senator Frank Kloucek
Senator Ryan Maher
Senator Ben Nesselhuf
Senator Jim Peterson
Senator Nancy Turbak Berry
Senator Theresa Two Bulls
Representative Jim Bradford
Representative Quinten Burg
Representative H. Paul Dennert
Representative Richard Engels
Representative David Gassman
Representative Clayton Halverson
Representative Dale Hargens
Representative Larry Lucus
Representative Garry Moore
Representative Eldon Nygaard
Representative Bill Thompson
Representative Tom Van Norman

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