April 17, 2008

ABC Presidential Debate: Tabloid America

When I was a kid many of us from the neighborhood would band together and play the kids from the school basketball team in a game of horse, or one-on-one. Occasionally the star of the team would show up and it soon would become a game of one-on five.

Just like last night's debate sponsored by that bastion of journalism, ABC.

A few questions to consider:

1. How do you allow George Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton administration staffer now masquerading as a journalist, anywhere near a debate that includes Hillary Clinton?

2. How was it that ABC camera operators did nearly a dozen close-up shots of Chelsea and other Clinton supporters during statements by Hillary? (note that ABC even lit Chelsea's row with soft yellow light) How was it that there were no shots of Obama family or supporters during the event?

3. How can you moderate the first fifty minutes of a debate with no questions of policy and issues? How is it that the majority of those questions were directed at Senator Obama concerning his past associations and statements - save one question for Hillary on Bosnia?

4. How is it that Hillary admits she has lied about Bosnia and there is not one follow-up question from Charlie or George?

5. How are there no questions during the entire debate about Mark Penn, Columbia, the Clinton income taxes, or any exploration of Bill's relationship to Columbia?

I could go on and on - but what's the point? ABC conducted a hatchet job of a debate and should lose their license to broadcast anything.

Charlie Gibson should be ashamed of himself, as he knows better.

All in all, Obama, playing against a stacked deck of Clinton, Stephanopoulos, Gibson, McCain, and the phantoms of tabloid innuendo - did a fine and noble job.

One might say, he looked Presidential.


P.S. The good, just, and bemusing news - American Idol drew millions more viewers than ABC'S bad popcorn show -

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