April 2, 2008

"Obama cannot win," Hillary told Bill Richardson

David Edwards and Mike Sheehan
Published: Wednesday April 2, 2008

Gov. Bill Richardson, the New Mexico governor who amid much fanfare recently endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for president, admitted at the time that his call to Sen. Hillary Clinton, disappointed with his allegiance about-face, was "heated."

What was actually said between Sen. Clinton and Richardson, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations serving in the cabinet of Sen. Clinton's husband, has been off the record. That is, until now.

ABC News chief Washington correspondent George Stephanopoulos reports that Sen. Clinton insisted to Richardson, "[Obama] cannot win, Bill. He cannot win."

Stephanopoulos, himself a former Clinton administration official, said the details of the call were confirmed with "sources who have direct knowledge of the conversation," during which, he says, the New York senator "made the most stark argument you can make."

This video is from ABC's World News, broadcast April 2, 2008.

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