April 2, 2008

Wyoming Governor Endorses Barack Obama

CHEYENNE (WTE) - Gov. Dave Freudenthal today endorsed Barack Obama and pledged to cast his superdelegate vote for the Illinois senator at the Democratic National Convention in August.

Freudenthal had refrained from endorsing a candidate for several months, saying that none of the presidential hopefuls were engaged on issues important to the West.

The governor said that began to change in early March when both Obama and New York Sen. Hillary Clinton visited Wyoming.

In announcing his endorsement, Freudenthal cited Obama's style of leadership, which includes an openness to reason and discussion, an attribute he said is particularly relevant to the West because the exact nature of particular issues that will be important to the region over the next four years is unknown.

"The negativity, partisanship and lack of purpose that characterize our national debate and government are crippling this country," Freudenthal said in a prepared statement Wednesday before a scheduled news conference. "While no one individual can effect this change alone, the change must begin with someone. Senator Obama is the Democratic candidate with the openness, honesty and skill to end this vicious cycle of business as usual."

Freudenthal said his endorsement was largely uninfluenced by Obama's victory in the Wyoming caucuses on March 8, when Obama secured 61 percent of the vote.

The governor said he spoke with Obama on Tuesday night to inform him of his decision.

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