April 5, 2008

Totalitarian Hillary does not belong in public life -

In Hillsboro, Oregon today, Hillary said the following:

"Some say their votes should be ignored and the popular vote in Michigan and Florida should be discounted. Well, I have a different view," Clinton said at a rally here. "The popular vote in Florida and Michigan has already been counted. It was determined by election results, it was certified by election officials in each state, it's been officially tallied by the secretary of state in each state, and the question is whether those 2.3 million Democrats will be honored and their delegates seated by the Democratic party."

Not only is Hillary habitually dishonest (sniper fire in Bosnia; her chief strategist Mark Penn meeting with Columbia on trade deals; her record on NAFTA and Iraq; her accomplishments) - she also does not believe in democracy (she is quite content to count votes where her opponent was not even on the ballot and win by cheating)

There are not enough adjectives in the English language to describe these kind of low-life tactics.

Calling all democratic leaders with the cahones to send billary and co. home!


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