February 8, 2008

"Because he puts problem solving before politics" Kentucky Congressman Endorses Obama

LOUISVILLE, KY –Congressman John Yarmuth (D-KY), the class president of the 44 Democrats in the House, today endorsed Barack Obama for President, citing his crossover appeal to Republicans and independents and the powerful coalition he is building to bring change.

"The change America needs won't come easy. It requires the kind of leadership that ignites passion, instills hope, and inspires us to work together for a better tomorrow," Congressman Yarmuth said. "As we strive to take on the great challenges our nation faces, we need a leader who will stand up to special interests and build a coalition that will bring change we can believe in. Because he puts problem solving before politics, Barack Obama has the unique capacity to build support from Americans of all parties from Kentucky to Idaho to Connecticut, and he will lead us to recapture our potential when as President.”

"In Congress and in Louisville, John Yarmuth has fought for increased access to higher education and honest and open government,” said Senator Obama. "He knows that we can’t bring change without engaging all Americans in the process. Congressman Yarmuth is a fitting addition to our coalition of leaders of diverse ideologies and from all regions of the country working to solve the problems that lie ahead.”

Yarmuth, who first met Obama in Louisville in 2006, currently serves as President of the 44 freshman House Democrats. He was named 2007 "Legislator of the Year" by the Kentucky Reading Association and "Outstanding New Member of Congress" by the Committee for Education Funding, the largest non-partisan education organization in the nation.

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