February 7, 2008

Key Virginia Endorsement for Obama

While it's no secret that there are a number of Barack Obama supporters on this website, this support has been unofficial. Until now.

Raising Kaine is now officially endorsing Barack Obama for President and encourages all Virginians to vote for him in the Commonwealth's presidential primary this Tuesday, February 12, 2008. This endorsement is based on the unanimous support among the Raising Kaine editors as well as overwhelming support from our community.

All of us are supporting Obama for different reasons, whether it's his strong consistent position against the war, his progressive stance on immigration, his strong pro-choice record, his devotion to civil rights and liberties, his strong cross-over appeal to independents and disaffected Republicans (especially in Virginia), his ability to unite the country, or something else about his wisdom, progressive positions, or character.

However, all of these reasons thread into one key theme: change. Barack Obama is our best hope for moving the country and the world in a new direction, past the partisan bickering and adherence to the "conventional wisdom" way of thinking.

In addition, we believe that Obama is best suited to win Virginia this year for the Democrats. As we all know, Virginia is trending Democratic in recent years, a candidate that has exhibited true cross-over appeal and strength in the states won by the GOP in recent years will have a strong chance in the Commonwealth. We believe that person is Obama, while we believe that Clinton will not be able to make the same appeal (especially with her potential weakness with independents while she energizes the conservative base against her).

We will continue posting about news, events, and volunteer opportunities. Also, we'll be adding an Obama button on the main page where we'll aggregate this sort of information so that it'll be easy to find.

Hopefully, we will be your "Obama Central" in Virginia this week. Clinton supporters are certainly welcome to continue being a part of our community -- our diaries and comments are open to fair posts by all. However, we encourage all Virginians to vote for Barack Obama next week for President.

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