February 9, 2008

Ben and Jerry's and Obama

Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben and Jerry’s and previously a John Edwards supporter, announced today his endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for President. Cohen believes Barack Obama is the best candidate to unite Americans and finally tackle the challenges facing our nation.

"I support Barack Obama because he is the kind of leader America needs right now. By taking on special interests and uniting our country around a common purpose, he will change politics in Washington,” Cohen said. “When Barack Obama is President, we will finally have a government that works for all Americans.”

“I am honored to have the support of Ben Cohen for my candidacy for President,” Sen. Obama said. “With tireless dedication to improving our world, Ben's entrepreneurial leadership and dedication to reduce unnecessary government spending have challenged Washington to invest taxpayer resources wisely. As President, I look forward to working with leaders like Ben to build a better future.”

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