February 6, 2008


Sen. Obama has emerged as an impressive, balanced thinker with a charismatic presence. His ability to address a wide range of ideas in nuanced yet deeply inspirational fashion could re-energize political discourse in a manner reminiscent of Franklin D. Roosevelt because Obama has the potential to lift us into a transformative era. Right now, too many Americans see their lives distorted by the misdirected post-9/11 age of secrecy, fear and division. Obama can help the country close that chapter.

The Illinois senator is a candidate particularly well equipped to improve the nation's performance in the world at large. Obama starts from sound, well-considered positions. He opposed the wrongfully launched Iraq invasion. After years in which U.S. leaders have forgone critical diplomatic opportunities with Iran and North Korea, Obama would start from a bolder, more engaged position. He would understand broader parts of the world in a more personal way than any recent president because he lived in Indonesia and has connections with Africa. His presence in the White House would cause the world to look to this country with a renewed hope for positive leadership.

On domestic issues, Obama's instinct for compromise offers a larger hope for a creative, less-contentious pursuit of a society with better education, health care and job opportunities.

For all practical purposes, a Hillary Clinton presidency could open just as many or more doors at home and abroad. Despite our differences with her Iraq war vote, we believe she would pursue Iraq questions skillfully. Democratic caucus-goers will have legitimate debates about whether her hard-won experience or Obama's freshness will better translate into much-needed changes on environmental, health and economic-equity questions. Either could be a worthy general election candidate.

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