May 16, 2008

Communications Workers of America President, DNC Member, and Superdelegate Larry Cohen, is Throwing His Support Behind Senator Obama

"I’m convinced that Senator Obama’s message of hope and ‘change we can believe in’ has resonated across our country. He is building a broad base of support, inspiring new voters to join in the political process and demonstrating great appeal to all those who are looking for positive leadership to move us beyond politics-as-usual in Washington.

CWA is focused on four key issues to restore our nation’s middle class – real health care reform, jobs and fair trade, retirement security and the restoration of real workers’ rights through the Employee Free Choice Act. On these and more, Senator Obama has a solid program to move our nation forward and bring about the positive change and economic justice that American families need, now more than ever.

Senator Obama will present a new direction globally and will work to resolve issues through discussion, diplomacy, partnership and coalition-building. I am confident that we can develop meaningful trade policy that considers working families in the United States and in our trading partners. This represents a tremendous change from the past seven years of the Bush administration.

Senator Obama is uniquely positioned to broaden the Democratic Party base and lead the party to election gains at every level this year as well as reclaiming the White House. He has the vision, passion, judgment and problem-solving ability that we need from our next president at a difficult time for our country at home and abroad."

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