May 17, 2008

Maryland Superdelegate Greg Pecoraro Endorses Obama

"Over the past five months, we have watched an extraordinary and historic race for the Democratic Party’s Presidential Nomination. Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have given our party a difficult choice between two outstanding candidates. It has been especially exciting for me to watch as so many people have registered to vote so that they could participate in this selection, and have turned out to vote in record numbers in primary elections across the nation.

Today, I am very excited to join the large majority of Maryland Democrats who expressed their enthusiasm for Senator Obama’s candidacy in our state's presidential primary. Like them, I believe Barack Obama is the right leader for our time. With Barack Obama as our nominee and as our President, we have real hope that a new way of governing the nation is at hand. I strongly believe that Senator Obama offers us the best opportunity we have had for many years to turn away from the politics of division and despair, and look towards an America of opportunity and progress.

As the primary season draws to a close, Democrats across the country will come together and unite behind Barack Obama. I know the leadership and members of Maryland’s Democratic Party will join together over the next few months to deny the Bush-McCain Republicans a third term in the White House, and I look forward to working with them in that important effort."

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