May 13, 2008

Indiana Rep. and Superdelegate Joe Donnelly Endorses Obama

May 13, 2008

“Today, I am pleased to announce my support for Barack Obama. At a time when too many Americans have lost faith in their government, Senator Obama can move us beyond the politics of stalemate and gridlock that has kept us from meeting the monumental challenges of our time: our dependence on foreign oil, a health care gap that leaves tens of millions uninsured, the steady deterioration of our manufacturing base, and an economy that is not working for working people.

I am looking for a president who can bring this nation together, build bipartisan majorities in Congress, and energize the American people to tackle the tough issues. Senator Clinton is a tenacious fighter for the American people, and particularly for working families, but I believe Barack Obama is the president that we need at this moment in history. He has helped engage over 3 million new voters, tapped into the American people’s powerful desire for change, and pointed the way toward a more hopeful future for our country.

We don't agree on 100 percent of the issues, just as I'm sure that my constituents don't agree with me on 100 percent of the issues. But we share a commitment to working people—to trade that is fair, job growth at home, and health care that is affordable. And we share a determination to keep our military the strongest in the world, while also giving our veterans the care, support, and respect they have earned.

The Democratic Party's strength comes from its core commitment to the American Dream and from a coalition that is ideologically, economically, geographically, and ethnically diverse. Barack Obama will stand with working families while building that coalition so that we can change this country, and that's why he's the best choice for America.”

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