May 14, 2008

Wisconsin Superdelegate Declares For Obama

CHICAGO, IL – Today, Wisconsin Superdelegate State Senator Lena Taylor endorsed Barack Obama, citing his ability to unite Americans for change.

Taylor said, “After much reflection and soul searching I am pleased to announce my endorsement for Senator Barack Obama. After a review of my recent County Executive race I am more aware then ever of the need to galvanize, motivate and inspire political participation by every member of society. Senator Obama has been a lightening rod in the effort to return citizens to the process. He’s awakened a sleeping giant – the people. He has reenergized those weary of politics as we have come to know it by demonstrating both character and personal strength. He has connected with a cross-section of Americans, with a desire to do things better then we have done before. He has an energy and commitment that is inclusive, thoughtful, contagious and deliberate. Senator Obama has the essential skill set to foster positive changes desperately needed for our nation. His track record on policy, his diplomatic approach to conflict resolution and his keen awareness of the issues have positioned him to be the catalyst for change we need. Visionary, courageous and capable, Senator Obama is not only prepared to answer that 3am crisis phone call, he’s smart and experienced enough to avert it. I’m proud to endorse him today.”

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