May 16, 2008

Congressman Pete Stark, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, Endorses Obama

By Josh Richman | from an article in the Oakland Tribune | 5/16/08

Rep. Pete Stark is throwing his endorsement and support as a Democratic National Convention superdelegate to presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.

"I could've supported either, but I think he has captured the imagination of the American public, I think he's responsible for bringing millions of new voters, new Democrats into the party, and I haven't seen that kind of movement among young voters since I first ran and saw (George) McGovern do the same thing in 1972," the 18-term incumbent Democrat from Fremont said Thursday.

Obama now seems "on his way to capturing the nomination," Stark continued, and "with the greatest respect for Senator Clinton and her service, I just think we're at a point now where we can begin a move to unify the Democrats — which is why I've held out this long — and bring us to focus entirely on (apparent Republican nominee John) McCain."

Stark said he has "never been happy with Senator Clinton's explanation or statements on votes going into the war in Iraq"...

..."The truth is that I voted initially for (John) Edwards...Stark said Edwards' endorsement of Obama on Wednesday, plus other California House members' endorsements this week, helped move him toward announcing his decision...

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